Author Archives: chris

Still on Sabbatical

Just updating you that I’ve decided that it’s best for me to stay on sabbatical for the 2024-2025 school term. As I walk this cancer road with my husband, I’ll also be working on some new goodies for you when … Continue reading

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Sabbatical Season

I’ve finally had a chance to update my site to let you know that I’ve decided to take a sabbatical this term due to the health issues in the household. I am still planning to evaluate students in the spring, … Continue reading

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HTML :-(

Just so you know, I have no idea how to change the perma-link that the 2023-2024 classes page is using. It’s still showing as “…./2020-2021-classes” Also, the “pod” is shaping up to look great! I can’t wait to start it … Continue reading

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Pages Updated for 2023-2024 Term!

Hi folks, I updated a few pages for the 2023-2024 term. On the “Helps” page, there’s a new attendance calendar for you. I also put on a link to the Affidavit and Objectives that Evelyn Phillips created. A new addition … Continue reading

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When it rains, it pours …

The last time I logged in here, it was just about a year ago and I was still heavily grieving. I wish I could say that the 2022-2023 term was better for me, but it wasn’t. On top of everything … Continue reading

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It’s Been a HOT Minute!

It’s been a LONG time since I’ve posted anything at all, either here or on my FB page. I’m solidly OK, but it’s been a tough slog. The last thing I posted was about my mom dying, but I don’t … Continue reading

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Cancer really stinks!

So, as I write this I want to tell you that I am fine. It’s my mom who is suffering with cancer. She was diagnosed at Christmas and her first round of chemo went really well. In fact, she reported … Continue reading

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So much has happened …

I don’t even know where to begin! The first half of 2021 has been a roller coaster of a ride! While I think about what to write here, I want to let you know that I updated the calendar on … Continue reading

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When Life Changes …

We really don’t have any choice but to change with it. New things come, old things go. some routines that we have held onto for years simply no longer work for where we find ourselves. It happens and is more … Continue reading

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Why not consider some resolutions for your homeschool as well as for your personal life? Homeschool Resolutions for a New Year – AOP Homeschooling A Homeschooler’s New Year’s Resolutions – A Quiet Simple Life with Sallie Borrink 7 New Year’s … Continue reading

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