Very often a web search will recommend starting with your child’s teacher. That works well when your kids go to school, but what about when you ARE the teacher? In my experience, homeschoolers tend to fall into two camps on dyslexia: those who suspect that there’s a problem and look for different curriculum vs. those who keep going with whatever they bought in hopes that more time will fix the problem.
Let’s get these two things out of the way right now: You did not CAUSE your child to have dyslexia and you cannot CURE dyslexia. Dyslexia is part of how the child was born, a difference in how the brain learns. That said, there ARE Things you CAN do to HELP your child MANAGE his or her dyslexia. We’re going to talk about those things all month both here and on my FB page, so be sure to check in often.
What I want you to do today, if you are new to the Dyslexia discussion, is download the handbook this page from the International Dyslexia Association and read it. Read it twice if you have time! Take notes. You are sure to have questions. We’ll be back on the IDA page several times this month, but feel free to explore the white papers and fact sheets they have archived for you. They really do believe everyone should be able to read–and so do I!